Banks offer discounts bearing credit cards for their customers. These credit cards offer amazing discounts on multiple items, which not only attract the customers for signing up more with their card subscriptions but also it tends to encourage customer to do more shopping by incentivizing them with such discounts. This also boosts up their spending behavior. Banks partner with specific brands and then offer discounts on items of frequent usage which includes shopping on kitchen appliances, technology-oriented gadgets, leather goods, jewelry items, products of personal care, on flights booking and even give you discount on the dinning out.
The benefits of the discount credit card are as follows:
- It boosts the spending behavior of the customers
- It provides add on value to the customers on their shopping by giving them an opportunity to avail amazing discounts.
There are various banks who are offering discount credit cards. Almost all banks are offering credit cards that gives you discounts on buying items from key brands. A few of these banks include Alfalah visa gold credit card, Alfalah visa classic credit card, Standard Charted Mastercard easy card, JS bank classic credit card, HBL gold credit card. HBL green credit card and Bank-al-Habib green credit card.
At you can view the details, benefits, promotions and discounts offered by these banks on their Discounts credit card.