Cash back credit card is the type of credit card in which the customer is paid back a certain percentage of the amount spent through that card as a reward. It is one of the smarter way to spend your cash as you are earning cash back on every transaction you make.
Step 1: When you make transaction, you are immediately offered cash back % on your spending. This cashback is then added into your account as reward on spending and usage of card.
Step 2: The bank after due verification will mail the cheque to you or arrange a direct deposit payment for you. At times the banks offer cash back benefits on multiple categories of items you purchase, in fueling or by giving you discounts.
Step 3: After the approval of the cash back you can avail that discount in various forms, which include shopping, discounts and other benefits.
Following are the benefits of the cash back credit cards:
- You are getting paid whenever you spend the money
- You can avail cash withdrawal limit
- Special discounts offered on dinning and lifestyles
- Great potential for saving money
There are various banks who are offering cash back on their credit cards. These cards are as follows: Alfalah ultra-cash back credit card, Standard Chartered master card titanium card, standard Chartered Mastercard-cash back card, HBL fuel saver Gold credit card, HBL fuel saver Green credit card and UBL Visa Gold PSO auto card.
At you can view the details, benefits, promotions and discounts offered by these banks on their Balance Transfer credit cards.