The objective of this fund is to provides you long term return on your investment by investing in the financial sector. The major part of your investment is invested in fixed income, equity stock, bank deposits, and Money Market instruments
- No minimum time period fixed for investment
- Start your investment with Just Rs. 5,000
- Withdraw your investment without any penalty
- Invest in high quality fixed income, money market and debt asset portfolios
- Managed by experienced fund managers in Pakistan
Provides you rapid growth on your investment by investing in the financial sector. Also, you can withdraw your investment any time without any penalty.
- Age Limit: Above 18 years
- Information required: CNIC, Bank Account Number, Mobile phone and email address
Fund Size:Rs. 1,685 Million | Age: 4 years 11 m Since 27 Dec 2019 |
Front Load:Nil | Exit Load:Nil |
Management Fee: Nil | Min. Investment:
Rs. 5000 |
Investors understand that their principal will be
at High risk
Fund Type
Open End Fund
Fund Size
1,685 Million
Fund Rating
AMC Rating
Launch Date
27 December 2019
Front End Load
Exit Load
Management / Admin Fee
Redemption / Withdraw Charges
Tax Benefits
Validity Date 01 Jan 1970
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Month To Date
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6 Month
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Year To Date
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5 Year